
What is Debate???

Monday, April 12

HELP Debate & IIU Debate 2010

We are so gonna be incredible!!!

For the first time ever.... Syazwani will be LEADING her debate team to IIU and this will be her first time going seven rounds in a row! Her teammates are Airf Hakimi (Prime Minister), Amira (Opposition Leader), Ulfah (Deputy), and Wani as the whip. Good luck!!! IIU Debating Championship is on the 16th - 21st of April.

Meanwhile, on the 24th and 25th of April, there will be another debate, under HELP university. Almost RM 5000 is worth to be won and there are only 60 teams plus. This time, MAHDI will be lead by Raihan Afiqah with her teammates Laila Jamilah, Aisyah and Azizul.

I could feel it.... every time I wanna sleep, the adrenaline rush when you all will be debating.
It heartens me when you put a blank piece of paper next to you all and "assumed" that I was there and debating with you all like last time.
Remember this: I'm always there even when you can't see me.

Here are the motions for HELP Debate with the appropriate links to get a head start with it:

  • This house believes that the government should only hire non-smokers for employment in the public service.
  • This house would completely ban smoking everywhere in Malaysia.
  • This house would impose environmental labelling on all consumer goods.
  • This house would ban genetically modified food.
  • This house supports carbon trading.
  • This house believes that every country should have the right to possess nuclear weapons.
  • This house would encourage the expanded use of civilian nuclear energy.
  • This house would make directors of MNCs personally liable for environmental abuses by their companies abroad.
  • This house would mandate restaurants to attach calorie data on their menus.
  • This house believes that aid to reconstruct disaster areas should be exclusively given to local contractors.
  • Keeping animals as pets should be banned
  • This house would not allow testing of cosmetic products on animals.
  • This house would mandate doctors to report marital abuse to police.
  • This house believes that trading in weapons should not be allowed.
  • This house would allow abortion on the ground of major medical conditions.
  • This house would abolish the death penalty.
  • This house believes that cultural treasures should be returned to their areas of origin.
  • This house would allow parents to choose human embryos on the basis of their genetic characteristics where technology allows.
  • This house believes that terminally ill patients have a right to die.
  • This house would allow prisoners to donate their organs in exchange for the shortening of their sentences.
  • This house would ban individuals who download pirated content from accessing the net.

Good Luck to you all, ohh and if you are reading this ariffuddin, Now we are so Incredible!!! meet you at IIU.

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