
What is Debate???

Tuesday, August 31

Hari Raya Reunion!!!


I heard korang nak buat reunion raya.

let's get the details straight, I meet with ariffuddin

And I think the most wonderful time to do our reunion is during the 18th or 19th of September if none of you mine. that's in the last days of cuti semester, so enough time after cuti to come back. it's on a weekend. please comment to discuss upon this.

Without wax................ Fakhry


  1. yeah...
    Im agree!
    come on guys!
    i really miss u guys!

  2. arif pakai ayat akk ke? (yg miss u guys tu),
    =), plan lah for us arif. Lets have everyone together

  3. if me...i want to do it during 19th..
    tp tgk lah bro fakhry dlu..kot2 dy bz ke..
    i will balik asrama ptang tuh..
    so ingat nk buat pg ahad..mcm last year

  4. Sorry I didn't reply ur msg arif. I had some mental breakdown. I got plans for shad tu, tapi why dnt u try Tanya majority so apa2 I cld rearrange my plan. I'll get back to u as soon as my head is rite back on track ok, thanks

  5. oh~!
    I, really sorry!
    I dont noe bout it~
    just try to get well soon..
    Ill pray for U...inshaallah~
