25th April
"It's all your fault!" Azri Asyraf said.Fakhry woke from his momentarily sleep. tired. Another nightmare, although it wasn't actually night. It wasn't a good one.
"you trained in debate for 4 years and still your not good at it!"
"it's over Fakhry, I think you can't even go through the breaks"
He could hear the laughter, the sorrows from inside his head, and as much as he wanted to, he couldn't get it out. And then there was darkness, it's like the whole world turned upside down.
He was in the auditorium at the Kuliyyah of Engineering. Much bigger than the previous years. It was huge, with five separate doors, two in front, three at the back, with at least 30 rows of chairs that stair cased till the back of the auditorium, if he wanted, he could fit the whole school in it. In front there was a stage, similar to the one back at school, a little smaller perhaps, with LCDs and a white screen. the room however is now being filled with people.
His team is now at the top row, close to the right back exit, it was a good spot, not that pack and people don't usually come from the back doors. They occupied three rows just for their team.
Me, Hafeeza, Azizul, Raihan, Ariffuddin, Amira, Tasnim, with our observers: Laila, Syazwani Jr and Ulfah. Wani was absent, she had her own battle at SBPI Gombak, better known as INTERGOM.
The Debate competition is about to begin, and firstly was the Mock Debate.
There going to teach us (remind, for me) about the debating rules and regulations and show a simple debate so we could see how a debate is actually. The newbies were listening intently. Either they already knew, didn't or just forgotten. It was the same like every year. The only thing they added was about the type of debates: policy and proof debates. Now usually I would be asleep, but not this time. For one, I had to stay awake if my juniors wanted to ask anything, secondly, it wouldn't actually be a good show in front of them (Ok, that might be the real reason).
After the power point and the speeches something great happened. Daniel who was holding the microphone said that due to some difficulties they couldn't get enough debaters for the mock debate, so they wanted some students to try it out. My luck.
The newbies, especially Arif wanted me to go and give an awesome demo. Teacher Maizatu said i should scare them by showing them how I debate. The idea was awesome, wished Wani was

I strode down the staircase and past Nafeesa. then an idea came to me. I asked Nafeesa to ask to Iman, whom was sitting a row behind her, if whether they wanted to try like the old days. Nafeesa thought it was a great idea, and quickly asked Iman, of course whether Iman didn't wanted to or her team didn't let her, I don't know, and so neither did Nafeesa wanted to try. So I "advertised" my name alone. Other students has already lined up and was already putting in their names, hopefully to debate. And for a sec, everyone actually knew me, maybe from last year. It's strange when people know you but you didn't know them. Hopefully their won't be any pride in it.
I wrote my name and sat back with Nafeesa. I quickly messaged Wani about this, she'll probably be mad at me for not getting some rest during this time.
"who are you talking to?" Nafeesa asked, trying to eye the text message I was writing.
I gave a small childish smile, trying to hide my excitement. I quickly placed back my had phone into my pocket.
Frantically, I was chosen to give the demo. Me, a form 3 from SMI Al- Amin Bangi and someone from MRSM Langkawi. Our opponents were Sis Afifah, Faiz, and Zamir. Mind you I've fought them before. The motion was totally awesome: THW Ban Violent Video Games.
We were given 15 minutes quarantine. I choose to be the third speaker because I didn't want to give a lot of points. You see the idea is to intermediate others at the same time conceal my strength for the next round.
I wanted to laugh at a moment during quarantine, because it's as if these guys can't cook up some case for this simple motion. They were discussing with me how a game is just a game, but even I knew that that wasn't a strong point. Brother Afiq came and helped explain us what the debate was all about. Technically, these people where amateurs, no offense. Then the debate began
It was held in the auditorium, with Sister Khalidah as the Mrs. Speaker. We were the opposition, the IIU team was government. And I was the 3rd Speaker.
The Debate Began..............
The IIU team was starting with the simple knowledge that it was the job of the government to make sure there wasn't any bad influence from the media.
I thought it was somewhat ridiculous, because of course it was the governments job to do that, duh.
There were more points about there way of making sure that there is a trustworthy board to supervise this mechanism. I passed that point towards my first speaker from SMI Al Amin.
Surprisingly he was hushing it, hopefully he understands it.
before long Sister Afifah has finished and now it was our turn to take the case. I knew that if our first speaker could point out there burden of proof, we could throw away there case. Disappointingly, that's not what he said. I felt like laughing and choking him.
What are you talking about!!!!! The second speaker didn't do what I wanted him to do either.
He was chastising my speech. Whatever he was talking about, IIU was rebutting them with ease. this meant if i speak something different from them I would be penalize. This will be complicated.
I stood up, making that glamorous smile I always make, then I started speaking.
"Mrs.Speaker, the Government has failed to prove us two things: the significance and the solvency of their motion. For instance if someone was playing GTA would he go and murder Sister Afifah or even rapped her"
The whole room laughed, sister Afifah blushed over that joke. I hope I didn't go through the line.
Like last year, I kept on babling making bad remarks about people, so Nafeesa had to control me, this time i had to control myself. I continued my speech by raising the main issue of debate which was " Why should it be ban?". stressing out that games are not the same like drugs and so on about it's significance.
By the time I finished, the whole crowd gave a wondeful applause. Maybe they were intermediate with the way I spoke and how between the three of us, I was the only one who understood the motion and issues.
"I think I don't need to give an introduction about our last speaker here, because i think you all knew him from last years Finalist, Abdullah Fakhry from Maahad Hamidiah" Sister Khalidah said. I just gave a humorless smile.
The debate was awesome, although I was penalize for adding some new substance in my speech in still was great. I sat by my other teammates and checked my watch, Wani should be finished with her MTQ by now. Brother Daniel was about to give a remark about the upcoming debate.
I watched him, but something caught my attention. A tall figure came in from the east front door. I thought I couldn't believed my eyes at first.
Wani, in a purple baju kurung was there.
To be Continued...............................
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