What is Debate???
Friday, December 24
Greetings.. =)
I thought of writing this aftr I found out tat laptops arent allowed in DQ (thats where im going aftr ths). so i guess u will b seeing my next post looooongggg timeeee aftr this. though this post seems so happy-yippie-yappie, but yeah this is all just to cover my deep grief for not going to b with u guys next yr and to continue Our debate Journey...
therefore, heres a few things i wld like to say:
Dear Raihan,
please take gud care of the debaters next yr. I noe u can do wayyy better than when it was in my time. remember all the things we have taught u from day one, well analyze it and only take wats gud from it and continue the legacy. with great power, comes great responsibility (i quote from Spiderman, But its Really True). so i need u to take care of tat responsibility wisely ok? Ill be cheering up for u, always, no matter where i will be... (u have my word on tat). **and also, please take gud care of urself ok. u wont b able to do all these things if ur not in a gud shape.
Dear debaters:
you guys r the most amazing ppl ive ever met in my life (believe me). from all of u, i learn the true meaning of determination, hopes, struggle, dreams, and thus creates the future.. i hope all of u cld still continue and pursue those things tat ive seen u guys do it many times during ur previous trainings with me. do not give up so easily, n continue fighting for wats right. I once said to Arifuddin, tat debaters are supposed to be people who change for the better and fight for the truth and wats right. so be tat person, n dont do "weird" things tat cld cause others trouble or so on.. becuz take a look at wats behind ur debate shirt all along. "we conquer the world with words". make Brother Fakhry proud, make Me proud, make Maahad proud, make the society proud, and most importantly make ISLAM proud..
me leaving will not change anythng tat wat u guys r trying to reach in life. but always remember, tat no matter where i am i will always b rooting for u guys. n if u ever, ever need me, well DQ allows hp and u cld reach me anytime u want (except when im sleeping, ill get furious if anybody ever disturb me. LOL. kidding).
All the best dearest debate family, may Allah always bless n prosper u
Tuesday, August 31
Hari Raya Reunion!!!
I heard korang nak buat reunion raya.
let's get the details straight, I meet with ariffuddin
And I think the most wonderful time to do our reunion is during the 18th or 19th of September if none of you mine. that's in the last days of cuti semester, so enough time after cuti to come back. it's on a weekend. please comment to discuss upon this.
Without wax................ Fakhry
Friday, August 27
Everything is done base on Niat
In debating terms, we call it "Objective" or "Direction of debate"
Objectives in debate is fundamentally important as it carries on your case line in the debate,
like if you had a motion:
THW Ban Violent Video Games
You go as government, the first thing PM needs to say is there objective in doing this proposal
"we want a generation with zero influence from violence"
for example..............
and so from this objective, you follow it and it becomes your sides case line. Eventually everyone in your team should follow this objective, it will give you consistency.
So in the real life, make sure you get yourself a good objective and niat in anything you do, because Niat determines how you are going to implement something, and this life is all base on our amal.
* Simple post: Debate 101* Proud to be a muslim
Monday, August 23
Saturday, May 15
The New Phase
Dear Raihan, Amira, Azizul, Arif Hakimi, Laila, Ulfah, Madihah and Aisyah;
I noe u guys are missing debate so very much (as a matter of fact, I do too). but I also noe that this is not the right time to get back on track with debate because of the exams week coming and all. I presume that as debaters, u guys would have totally master the importance of planning, and putting forward things that are urgent and important first.
but thats not what im here to talk about.
Its time, that all of u realize that we are in the new phase now. where Im much less usable and less visible for your sake. with that coming, Im here to say a few things that may help u guys around to lead a better debate unity, insya-Allah. I really hope u guys will take note of this, because never in a millionth time that I hope u guys would repeat the same mistakes that I did.
First of all, to the seniors Raihan, Amira, and Azizul.
Next year, or rather the end of this year, u guys will be leading the debate unity. Its not gonna be the same as how Fakhry and I used to lead the debate alone last year and this year because we are by far the oldest at that time. this time, theres the three of u, and I do hope firstly u guys get along well in managing the juniors. I plead that there would be no inferiority feelings between any of u,or any misunderstanding. U guys are the examples that our little brothers and sisters are going to follow. Im sure u guys could do so much better than what I did this year...
to Laila, Ulfah, Arif hakimi, Aisyah and Madihah,
next year will be great, I noe that. but with greatness, we sometimes need a change. so to say Im also pretty sure that things will change next year and not be the same. I need u guys to make sure that its always gonna be the positive change.. listen to what K.raihan, k.Amira and Azizul would say, help them out in making the rite decision for the debate unity, and most of all perform ur best in whatever that u guys do because thats when u guys make me the proudest. never lose hope to do whats best and right, as long as the Sun stil rises from the East..
to All;
Im not trying to point out to anybody here, but when its time to debate, debate ur hearts out. give ur best commitment and dont sway ur decision. take a step back, and ponder into our past actions. Debate is not just about participating into many of koko activities at once to get high marks dear, but its to show that we could conquer the world with words. even in the Quran, one of the ways to continue the Da'ie is by debating. So please, if any of u thinks that Kawad or MTQ is more fun than debate, dont try and split urself into two to make both commitments, because u will fail to do so. Im not underestimating all of ur capabilities of coping up with whatever that comes to ur life, only that Im saying that time will not allow u so bcause debate and Kawad or MTQ or anything will always clashes with each other..
and my biggest hope so far, is that someday ill be able to see the superiority of the debating skills that u guys possess in everything u do, not being clouded by any emotional feelings that u guys feel. we are the debate family, not the emotional family as everyone would label us. debate is a play of how u would use ur skills and emotions to convict other people into making them listen to u, but never to release ur emotional outburst before the debate starts and letting ur spirit down. lets start afresh, with great spirit and the rite wisdom with the fullest commitment, insya-Allah.
I hope that u got something from this, and work out something. in anyways, remember that we would always have Allah by our side, and thats why we are Incredible.
The Sky is Not the Limit...
sister Wani.
Wednesday, April 28
Congrates!!! Everyone!!!!
I remember how hard it was for all of you to go through it, considering how intolerant the game was because well you all we're newbies and I could acknowledge the fact that this was for many of you, your first time entering such things.
I remember Aisyah's expression when she was personally given "best Speaker", how Ameerah would never loose hope, how Azizul could always give out a smile, how Raihan would always want to be better. Laila and her funny sarcasm, How unpredictable and egoistic Arif would be, or how Ulfah would always fight away, or even how Amira would give a perfect speech. And lastly how Syazwani would still come and support us even when she's sick. LOL
Thank you..... all of you. You made me young again. once upon a time i was the one whom would sit at the back and watch as my seniores debated, well now it's happening all again.
My Only wish is that you bear in mind that this isn't the end, debate must still continue in Maahad, feared and respected we are by the rest. never loose hope nor loose your will, because by the end of the day the only one who is stopping you from recieving that trophy............ is You.
Monday, April 12
HELP Debate & IIU Debate 2010
For the first time ever.... Syazwani will be LEADING her debate team to IIU and this will be her first time going seven rounds in a row! Her teammates are Airf Hakimi (Prime Minister), Amira (Opposition Leader), Ulfah (Deputy), and Wani as the whip. Good luck!!! IIU Debating Championship is on the 16th - 21st of April.
Meanwhile, on the 24th and 25th of April, there will be another debate, under HELP university. Almost RM 5000 is worth to be won and there are only 60 teams plus. This time, MAHDI will be lead by Raihan Afiqah with her teammates Laila Jamilah, Aisyah and Azizul.
I could feel it.... every time I wanna sleep, the adrenaline rush when you all will be debating.
It heartens me when you put a blank piece of paper next to you all and "assumed" that I was there and debating with you all like last time.
Remember this: I'm always there even when you can't see me.
Here are the motions for HELP Debate with the appropriate links to get a head start with it:
- This house believes that the government should only hire non-smokers for employment in the public service.
- This house would completely ban smoking everywhere in Malaysia.
- This house would impose environmental labelling on all consumer goods.
- This house would ban genetically modified food.
- This house supports carbon trading.
- This house believes that every country should have the right to possess nuclear weapons.
- This house would encourage the expanded use of civilian nuclear energy.
- This house would make directors of MNCs personally liable for environmental abuses by their companies abroad.
- This house would mandate restaurants to attach calorie data on their menus.
- This house believes that aid to reconstruct disaster areas should be exclusively given to local contractors.
- Keeping animals as pets should be banned
- This house would not allow testing of cosmetic products on animals.
- This house would mandate doctors to report marital abuse to police.
- This house believes that trading in weapons should not be allowed.
- This house would allow abortion on the ground of major medical conditions.
- This house would abolish the death penalty.
- This house believes that cultural treasures should be returned to their areas of origin.
- This house would allow parents to choose human embryos on the basis of their genetic characteristics where technology allows.
- This house believes that terminally ill patients have a right to die.
- This house would allow prisoners to donate their organs in exchange for the shortening of their sentences.
- This house would ban individuals who download pirated content from accessing the net.
Good Luck to you all, ohh and if you are reading this ariffuddin, Now we are so Incredible!!! meet you at IIU.
Tuesday, March 30
Muhassabah Diri
I wish that everyone would stop bickering and whining like a bunch of toddlers .
I wish we could suppress that bad force we see all day, and look at the good things in life.
Because by the end of the day............. we do really want all the good things to come.
So hold my hand my friend,
We could share the world,
Share the spirit of good.
Think about it for once, what does debate really mean to us all? is it just some other co-curriculum? or is it more than that?
Never put your spirit down even when some lunatic came hitting it.
We need to regroup, get back the lost memories and experinces we had last year, Musleh, UIA, Training. We all miss the old wani, raihan, amira, azizul, kimi and laila, and anyone else that held the spirit of debate.
We're so gonna get it back............
PS: I'm sure if Ariffuddin was here, he would have said to never give up, he'll say that we'll find a way.
Saturday, March 20
Amendments of ISA
KUALA LIPIS: Amendments to the Internal Security Act (ISA) and related laws are to ensure a comprehensive change in dealing with security issues in the country, says Prime MInister.
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the review was also to keep abreast with times and the wishes of the people.
"The Home Minister has brought the matter to the Cabinet on Friday and the ministers agreed that if other related laws are not similarly amended, it will create an awkward situation," he told reporters after opening the Rural and Regional Development Ministry's 50th anniversary at Dataran Lipis here on Saturday.
On Friday, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said the amendment to the ISA would be tabled along with amendments to six other laws.
The six are Prevention of Crime Act 1959 to review its effectiveness in preventing crimes; Section 27 of the Police Act 1960 relating to staging of assemblies without a permit; Banishment Act 1959 (Revised 1972) to determine if the law is still relevant; and Restricted Residence Act 1933 to review its effectiveness.
Other laws are the Dangerous Drugs Act (Special Preventive Measures) 1985 and the Emergency Ordinance (Public Order and Crime Prevention) 1969.
The ISA aspects to be reviewed are the detention period, rights and treatment of detainees, powers of the Home Minister and detention without trial.
Najib said the Government was serious in bringing about changes on the issue of security in the country.
"We will study and implement change to these laws in line with current needs and the wishes of the people," he said. - BERNAMA
From Wikipedia:
Due to the alleged draconian nature of the ISA, several human rights organisations and opposition political parties have strongly criticised the act and called for its repeal. Foreign governments, notably that of the United States, have also pressured the government to repeal the act.
Several opposition parties such as the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), the Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) have spoken out against the ISA. Many of them have leaders or prominent members who were held under the ISA, such as Muhammad Sabu of PAS, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh and Lim Guan Eng of the DAP, and Anwar Ibrahim of the PKR. Previously in the 1960s, the law had been denounced by such opposition leaders as Tan Chee Khoon, who said:
“ | This infernal and heinous instrument has been enacted by the Alliance Government at a time when the emergency was supposed to be over. Then it promptly proceeds to embody all the provisions of the Emergency Regulationsad infinitum...[10] which during the Emergency had to be re-enacted every year, but now it is written into the statute book | ” |
However, several politicians from the Barisan Nasional coalition, including its largest component party, the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO or Umno), that has governed Malaysia since independence have also criticised the ISA. The fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, went on the record in 1988 to state "If we want to save Malaysia and Umno, Dr Mahathir (then Prime Minister) must be removed. He uses draconian laws such as the Internal Security Act to silence his critics.[citation needed]" The year before, he had also stated "Laws such as the Internal Security Act have no place in modern Malaysia. It is a draconian and barbaric law." In 2003 when he became Prime Minister, however, Abdullah called the ISA "a necessary law," and argued "We have never misused the Internal Security Act. All those detained under the Internal Security Act are proven threats to society." But opposition parties believe it is a threat to Umno rather than a threat to the country.
Prior to becoming Prime Minister, Mahathir had also adhered to a critical view of the ISA. In 1966, when Mahathir spoke out in support of the Internal Security (Amendment) Bill 1966 as a backbencher, he stated that "no one in his right senses like[s] the ISA. It is in fact a negation of all the principles of democracy."[10] After becoming Prime Minister however the former premier had little if any hesitation using the law to suppress what he termed racialism but was seen by some as a move against his political opponents, the most notable of events being the infamous Operasi Lalang in 1987.
Now we all know that ISA is preventive detention law that allows enforcers to apprehend people whom were suspected of breaching the security of Malaysia. Typically it's just lunacy, why? well simply they are allowed to apprehend them in a manner of without trial and without concrete evidence (tell me if I'm wrong).
ISA was "originally" used to curb the issues of communist and internal terrorist. On the 13 of May 1969, the ethnic riots (rusuhan kaum 1969) happened, and this caused the government to use the full force of ISA, also on the 27 of October 1987, the police used ISA again this time with the nickname "Operasi Lalang".
They apprehended 106 politicians members from both opposition and government, the Chinese were in fear of another 13 May incident happening again, abd it was all because of some Chinese vernacular schools...hish.
Base on my review and research, I think that an amendment of ISA isn't enough as it still apprehends "wanna be criminals" without trial. No one likes it. Duh. Once upon a time, during the 13 days ruling of PKM (Parti Komunis Malaya), they did a similar tactic, its force was called "Kempetai", and it issued a "kill first ask questions later policy".
The main reason of Malaysia is doing ISA in the first place is to hush up the communist from Malaysia, when we are doing such laws, we're not hushing it, we're encouraging it. As a Muslim major, Islam doesn't announce apprehension without trial, Islam at least orders 4 eye witnesses to prosecute a suspected criminal. Doing such laws might just give the idea that Malaysia isn't ruling under respect and leadership qualities, but by fear and under-minded. Where did the 1 Malaysia concept gone? "Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan".
I really loved the idea of "1 Malaysia" as it is a starter for the concept of "1 Ummah", but to do things without putting priority towards the citizen is just contradicting it.
For Starters, if Malaysia is so afraid of it's citizen, then start educating them becoming good citizens than apprehending them when they never understood a thing of what they did. Hopefully, we wouldn't more communist than the communist.
Wednesday, March 17
Knowledge With Purpose
Taken from the STAR newspaper, 17 March 2010, IKIM Views
From Kd: This is a counter article to the recent post I give about the social problems happening in our country......
Please read the latest article to get the whole story
Nobody can be a proper Muslim without knowledge and understanding, and that knowledge must be sought and disseminated with correct intention.
KNOWLEDGE and action are two fundamental elements making up the conceptual structure of Islam. Islam is a conscious and willing submission to God. It is a submission that is made “knowingly” and “freely”, without any compulsion. As such, the submission is not possible without knowledge.
Islam does not concede to a dichotomy between knowledge and action, or between theory and practice. The term “Islam” also describes an act, i.e., the act of submission. It means Islam does not simply happen to someone; it comes into being from one’s volition. And volition also does not arise without knowledge.
The action of every Muslim is subject to the rules of the syariah, correctly understood as the path to salvation prescribed by God through His Messenger.
“Islam” is also the name of a particular religion, and that means the above-mentioned submission is not subjective or formless; it is the submission which is made willingly and consciously according to the way prescribed by the religion called Islam.
Since nobody can be a proper Muslim without knowledge and understanding, knowledge-seeking becomes the first and foremost obligation of every Muslim, male and female.
Islam teaches that knowledge must be sought and disseminated with correct intention, to seek Divine Pleasure and Guidance. Studying religious sciences need not necessarily be a religious deed because the aim of the seeker could be worldly, and when that is the case the whole effort becomes blameworthy.
The following is al-Ghazali’s reminder to all knowledge-seekers: “If in your quest for knowledge your aim is to gain something for yourself and to surpass your fellows, to attract men’s attention to yourself and to amass this-worldly vanities, then you are on the way to bring your religion to nothing and destroy yourself, to sell your eternal life for this present one; your bargain is dead loss, your trading without profit.”
To have a correct and sincere intention is indeed not a simple matter. It entails knowledge of the nature of ultimate reality, and a definite commitment to a particular way of life in conformity with that knowledge.
Every research activity is carried out within a certain framework that is based on certain assumptions and aligned with some purposes. The credibility of the finding depends upon the validity of the assumptions and the soundness of the purposes, which means – upon verification – one would finally come to the conclusion either they conform or not to what is regarded as ultimately real and true.
If the researcher concentrates solely on the immediate objective of research (i.e., limited to knowing the nature of a particular object of knowledge as it is) to the extent of being heedless to the ultimate aim of knowing (which is the culmination of all other purposes, transcending immediate concerns and needs) his research will lead him nowhere.
The purpose of knowing ultimately is the purpose of existence itself. Without the knowledge of the purpose of knowing, knowledge and sciences may only serve secular aims and objectives, where no amount of research can satisfy man, because the knowledge gained from it does not give him any clue as to the meaning and purpose of his life, which is ultimately the foundation of his actions and behaviour, including knowledge-seeking itself.
Therefore Islam makes distinction between knowledge that is useful and that which is not.
Knowledge is useful and worthwhile in so far as it is related to the most basic problem of life, namely, the problem of human identity and destiny. This is the most basic problem because the answer to it is what everybody seeks to know, and without it this life becomes meaningless.
The answer, therefore, should be final, free from doubt and possibility of error because life is too short and unexpectable, and we cannot take the risk of living our life based on an answer that is subject to revision and correction.
This knowledge is also known as the knowledge of the reality of things. To this kind of knowledge certainty is a necessary condition, and by that we mean: (i) the object of knowledge is disclosed to the knower in such a way that no doubt remains along with it; and (ii) no possibility of error or illusion accompanies it; the mind cannot even entertain such a supposition.
Certainty, to quote Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, is the permanent state of the soul having to do with the knowledge of permanent realities. It would not be attained and experienced if the justification for believing ‘A’, for example, contains the possibility of error.
Is it possible to attain certainty? Can man, with all the potentialities that he owns, ever attain certainty?
A Muslim will definitely answer in the affirmative. He is taught that realities of things are firmly established and that objective knowledge about them is possible and verifiable. If certainty is impossible then knowledge is also impossible, and if knowledge is impossible accountability and justice would also be impossible.
The knowledge of the nature of the ultimate realities is knowledge that does not change with the change of time and nations. It is knowledge about what is real and true about existence in general. It is what every thinking human being would want to know about his self, and about the world around him.
He would like to know, for example, whether God exists or not, and if He does what His name is and what His Attributes are. What he holds as an answer to this question will determine the way he is going to live his life. This kind of knowledge will have a significant implication on one’s life because it is ultimately the basis of one’s ethical judgement and action, hence, no error or doubt should be tolerated.
There must be certain implication to life for example, in believing that God does not exist, or that He does yet He does not possess knowledge or power. Uncertainty about this matter is a tragedy because how would one make decision in such a state of mind?
We cannot tolerate erroneous belief because every belief has got its practical consequence. There is nothing that can be categorised as “purely practical”, if what is meant by that an activity that has nothing to do with any theory, assumption, or belief.
All the horrors committed during World War II were based upon a certain theory, assumption, or belief; the Japanese believed that their emperor was a living god, and the Nazis in the supremacy of their nation over other nations.
This is Interesting........ BIO in real life!!
yeah I know, I know, many of you don't like to discuss about it (neither do I) fact is, the majority of schools, teachers and doctors (God knows who they are) actually agree with these lunacy.
This issue started with three major events:
- The World Cup (Wonder where that came from)
- The increase of sexual abuse and kidnapping (in Malaysia)
- The idea that "prostitution" could be used as a "means of economy" (Amsterdam, Dubai, South Africa and Singapore)
So let's see the facts and figures in Malaysia:
- there's been at the very least 17 cases of kids being kidnapped and found dead, sexually abuse, raped, folded in a bag God knows how those monsters did it. With the Sharlinee case as the most horrifying one (she's been found folded in a bag, bones crashed)
- Cases of people being sexual abused. I don't know why in the world recently these things suddenly became apparent. In the STAR newspaper, you could see everyday of people being abused in one way or the other.
- And so, some people think that our society is uneducated about problems involving sex.
(this is gonna be gross and disgusting)
- South Africa has estimated that at least 40,000 prostitutes will be pouring in the country due to the upcoming FIFA World Cup. Britain sent at least 1000 shipments of preventive accessories of STD. They are fighting to have a safe STD and HIV society.
- Dubai is opening it's economy sector for prostitution, they want to have a major in tourism. The idea might be absurd considering that UAE is an Islamic monarchy country, and the Sheikh actually allows it!
- In the UK it's estimated that at least 70% of the under age population has done sex (MASYALLAH UMMAT AKHIR ZAMAN!!!)
From my perspective, my mom's and many of my Usrah dudes gave there opinion about this:
They say that this "sex education" policy is a little too much, considering the fact of moral and religious standards. That the only problem is that the government isn't actually taking much note in Islamic studies and Moral teachings to students, not to mention they just made a new syllabus a few years ago, when I was form 1, Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan.
As if that's not enough..............
And now there introducing this new syllabus. UKM once tried to do a "sex education" forum, and I was among the unlucky ones whom had to go there, it seems students (especially non- islamic schools) actually like the forum (OMG).
But the idea that this would help curb our problem is really hard to prove. It's better to make people think that Allah is always watching and that there is a divine power that would punish you than making people understand that doing these immoral acts would lead you to jail.
As for me, the syllabus, the islamic studies we have now is already good enough to curb this problem, you just need to enhance it more, put more feeling. Remember that a great Muslim, a Muslim without problems is when he/she has improved there lives not just intellectually and physically, but also spiritually and emotionally. And unless the Government could understand this problem in the first place, these things wouldn't have arose in the first place. DUH.
Monday, March 15
Ok, ok, lets spill the beans
SPM as we know it, is very important, not to mention very tiring, but the real thing isn't actually about how many As you got or how many scholarships you got (ok in my case, it does matters), but what really matters is what you did to strive for it. What did you do to achieve such results? Did you work hard? Do you think you deserve it? How did you react when you got your SPM results?
All these questions maybe to your perspective is not so much important but actually it all counts to whether you're somebody successful or not. Look at someone who got 13As and everyone "thought" he will do great in his future, that he might be some minister or some VIP or such. He got Bank Negara scholarships and went to the UK to further his studies, but by the end of the day guess what? he gave up in UK, he "thinks" it was too competitive for him that he fall out and end up being kick back to Malaysia (I'm not pointing out Malaysian Uni are bad, I just got IIUM that's great).
Another story from my sis (Nafeesa) whom is now in Jordan, there was this KISAS dude (yes somebody from KISAS) and somehow he/she (I don't know if it was a girl or boy, i just knew he got 13As straight and went for Islamic Banking) couldn't cope with the harsh areas of Jordan. It was called culture shock because he never went to so many hardship in his life. He's the type of person you would see getting straight As, no health or peer problems, getting everything he wants type of dude. But when reality struck, it hits you till you're out of control. This dude's story is a sad one and I pray for his Success.
The point is as I just stated from last year (hopefully you were listening), is that We have to be prepared, always, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There are some among us whom were very, very, very lucky (I don't need to point out who).
A simple philosophy (since I'm studying philosophy for my SAT's right now), the philosophy of war, which I read from the Chinese "art of war", just to point out we are all at war, one way or the other:
- You are acting at your strongest when your strength is at your weakest.
- When you are superior towards other, then act modestly, do not be too proud like a fool or else you will surely fall when reality strikes.
- Be cautious when you are arriving towards victory, remember victory is only so when you don't have any other threats.
- Learn from others, there experience might be far more valuable than all the preparations you made.
It's not important (Considering I have SATs with me now), what's important is how we react towards it, will we be crying? happy? or angry? The best among us is when anything happens to us, we will still be able to give out a 100% when the time comes.
So now it's your journey to achieve higher than this score (although I'm sure you can't beat my TOEFL score, 758/1000). And to do more incredible feats after this. I wish you all the best of luck, May Allah Bless you in your upcoming Exams. Pray for my SATs exam which will be held by the end of May, Wassalam.
Friday, March 12
Debate: Two-state solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Is a two-state solution justified? Compared to a one-state solution?
Background and context
For decades, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has revolved around one particularly pointed question and debate: should the Palestinian people be given their own state, or is a two-state solution to the conflict the best idea among the various alternatives? Barack Obama explicitly supports a two-state solution, saying that "a two-state solution is the only solution". While many in Israel and elsewhere oppose the idea, the two-state solution is considered the consensus solution under discussion by the key parties to the conflict, most recently at the Annapolis Conference in November 2007. While alternatives exist (such as a one-state solution or forms of autonomy under the status quo) Palestinian, Israeli, and global leaders are primarily engaged in the debate surrounding a two-state solution.
This is just a simple review about the debate, if you want to know more go here.
I'm just gonna go to the issues and how is it debatable, there are three altogether:
Peace: Can a two-state solution bring peace?
- Palestinians/Israelis cannot live in peace in one state While it is nice to believe that Palestinians and Israelis can live in peace and harmony in one state, with tolerance for each other and in keeping with democratic principals of inclusion, while nice, is simply naive. This idea has been made impossible by nearly a century of direct conflict between these people. While this might change in coming centuries, it is unacceptable to adopt a one-state policy now based on these naive ideas.
- Shimon Peres. "One Region, Two States". Washington Post. February 10, 2009: "Establishing a single multinational country is a tenuous path that does not bode well for peace but, rather, enforces the conflict's perpetuation. Lebanon, ravaged by bloodshed and instability, represents only one of many examples of an undesirable quagmire of this nature."
- A two-state solution is the least bad option Shimon Peres. "One Region, Two States". Washington Post. February 10, 2009: "The difficulties of a two-state solution are numerous, but it remains the only realistic and moral formula to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
- General statements in support of a two-state solution US special envoy George Mitchell: "In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we believe that the two-state solution, two states living side by side in peace, is the best and the only way to resolve this conflict."
- A two-state conflict will not end conflict Prof. Hassan Nafaa. "No Room for Two States". Global Research. February 12, 2008: "The conflict between the Palestinians and the Zionist movement is not over disputed borders or material interests and, therefore, resolvable by merely coming to an agreement over permanent borders and a give-and-take over material interests. Rather, it is a conflict between two identities, each of which claims sole propriety right over a given territory. Such a conflict cannot be solved by the same means that are brought to bear on conventional international conflicts."
- Israelis/Palestinians can coexist peacefully in one state. Sandy Tolan. "George Mitchell and the end of the two-state solution". Christian Science Monitor. February 4, 2009: "it was no less a man than Albert Einstein who believed in 'sympathetic cooperation' between 'the two great Semitic peoples' and who insisted that 'no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.' A relative handful of Israelis and Palestinians are beginning to survey the proverbial new ground, considering what Einstein's theories would mean in practice. They might take heart from Einstein's friend Martin Buber, the great philosopher who advocated a binational state of 'joint sovereignty,' with 'complete equality of rights between the two partners,' based on 'the love of their homeland that the two peoples share.'"
- General statements in favor of a one-state solution Edward Said, a famous Palestinian writer and activist, advocated for a one-state solution, arguing: "Two people in one land. Or, equality for all. Or, one person one vote. Or, a common humanity asserted in a bi-national state."[1]
Palestinians: Do Palestinians want their own state? Can they govern themselves?
- Palestinians want two-state solution, assuming settlements stop. Jerusalem - PLO Executive Committee Secretary Yasir Abd-Rabbuh replying to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's statements that he is ready to negotiate immediately with the Palestinians by affirming that no negotiations will take place before the suspension of the settlement activities. "Abd-Rabbuh said in statements to Al-Ayyam: There can be no negotiations unless the Israelis stop the settlement activities and we no longer wish to meet with the Israelis on the same table to exchange views and ideas while they change the facts on the ground in Jerusalem and all the West Bank. This is a policy that represents the highest forms of deception."
- Palestinians do not want peace and a two-state solution Jeff Jacoby. "Peace isn't Arab goal". Boston Globe. May 20, 2009: "International consensus or no, the two-state solution is a chimera. Peace will not be achieved by granting sovereignty to the Palestinians, because Palestinian sovereignty has never been the Arabs' goal. Time and time again, a two-state solution has been proposed. Time and time again, the Arabs have turned it down."
- Palestinians are too divided to constitute a state. MJ Rosenberg. "Loving The Two-State Solution to Death". Huffington Post. December 22, 2008: "we are further from implementing the two-state solution today than we were in 2001. In fact, it can't be implemented because the Palestinians themselves constitute two states. Without Palestinian unity -- unity that ended with the Hamas election and then full seizure of power in Gaza--the two-state solution is simply not achievable."
- A Palestinian state would be dysfunctional "Why plans for a two-state solution in the Middle East have failed.". International Journal on World Peace. March 1, 2008: "The plan for a Palestinian state failed to comprehend that the Palestinians, unlike the Jews, had not created an apparatus for self-government."
Regional security: Would a two state solution help regional stability?
- Two-state solution and peace is critical to regional stability. For years, the middle east has been up in arms regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is a source of tension between the Muslim world and the west, and a source of tension between populations and their governments. And, as a source of tension between Muslims and the West, it has been considered a source of terrorism. Solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is critical to relieving these various tensions. In so far as a two-state solution helps end the conflict and establish peace, it helps relieve tensions and restore stability in the broader middle east and in the global fight against terrorism.
- A Palestinian state would threaten its neighbors. "Two States? Many Problems". Los Angeles Times, Letter to the Editor. May 7, 2009: "King Abdullah II is not being straight on this issue either. He doesn't want a Palestinian state between Jordan and Israel because of the threat to Jordan that a Palestinian state would pose to him."
Saturday, March 6
4C "Forseeing" how you say.....
Our recent debate training has stress out on two main things: How to tackle a Politic and Economy type motion. Now some of you who aren't from Maahad Hamidiah might be gigling wanting this type of information, well my juniors didn't had any problem understanding, both themes are actually a piece of cake, more easier than "Media and Entertainment" ( I don't read about that much).
But here, I won't be talking about politics and Economy, rather I would be talking on styles of debating, as right now, that's the main issue we need to solve!!!
I have to admit, your brains are way better than mines when I was your age, there were those with critical analysis (Amira), in depth elaboration (Aisyah F2) and killer rebuttals (Wani, ok maybe i just made that part up), but what was more important was actually the Style or method of speaking.
There are some people that has all those great facts and figures but when they speak it just makes me bored. (seeing how slow and low their voice are, you don't need to ask why).
So here are some tips to stylish speaking, I like to call it the 4C ("for see" or "Visualize")
- Calm. A debater (well a good one) is very calm, he/she thinks first before saying it out and keeps their mood very, very calm that even if somebody was pointing a gun at head point they wouldn't notice it (well speaking in front of an audience is a death defying act). There is also the fear factor of going in front of an audience. I whatever situation, you need to keep calm. Don't care of anything what other people are doing (especially your opponents, they really like to annoy people)
- Cool. A great debater is no hypocrite, they are no actors. they become themselves or in other words "Cool". It's very cool to be just yourself. Don't start being very mad or very political or out of your age (your 14 and suddenly your talking as if your really actually the Prime Minister, with that boring monotonous voice, BORING!!!). Even judges like it, they can actually see whether your lying to yourself and being a hypocrite (well...... good judges of course), they see you as if you are talking to them about their favorite shirt and games and hobbies (make friends with the judges....)
- Conviction. As much as this might contradict the "cool" style you need to show conviction in your speech. Say it as if it's important, "Obama must lead US to a brighter future!!!" (even if you don't care crap whether US has a brighter future....) but you need to show that the what you say is important, because well...... it is important. the best thing is to choose what words to stress out before you begin your speech. e.g: THW subsidies local fish. Stress the words Subsidies and Fish as if does two things are so important (even if you don't know what's subsidy and you don't like eating fish).
- Creative. Is it better saying: " I love you" or "if I only was allowed to call one person I would call you", the later is longer but much more dramatic and creative and feel-able (So who would you really call?), rather than just using one every day used phrase lets used an original phrasing, like what I used when to rebut the government about there credibility to imply a policy: "There policy has no credibility, it's not incredible it's un-credible" or " You want to know what's our proposal to this problem.........(pause for a sec for drama).... not yours that's for sure". It's creative and original.
Good Luck all of you..................
Thursday, February 18
the Last Words.
Its the Memory that we all hold together.
The first time i met him as far as i could remember was when we debated against the motion THW shorten school hours. i remembered it clearly, it was at kelas 6 Rendah, with the boys against the girls. To be honest, it was the first timer for my speech too. He was sitting rite beside Azizul Hakim. I noticed him, for he reminded me of some chinese boy i used to recognise. And yes, i have to admit that i thought we were in the same boat at that time. He wasnt talking as fluently as he is rite now. In fact, he was stammering even when he has strong points to be delivered. and i thought; hey we could be friends, since i couldnt talk as fluent as Iman or Fakhry too. we could get out of this and learn together... yes, together.
As time passed, i couldnt help but noticed that he struggled for the fluency, and yet he never gave up. He was much into science subject, and having a tuned in brain was a blast for him. Even though he might be strugling for the fluency at first, no one did ever deny that he is strategy-wise in terms of building up the case. Before iiu came along, i might have guessed that he thought he was going there just to be an anlyser, the 4th speaker, or whatever they call us who do not speak. But in the end, Allah just knew better of what He has for all of us.
Tasnim was sick, and there was no time to call out for another Iman or someone to replace her. it was up to us, to use everything and whatever it is that we have right now. so Arifuddin had to replace Tasnim, n he was brainwashed by Fakhry to become a 3rd speaker just 2 days before going to iiu. I wasnt really in the picture and i didnt know the whole story, since i was quite packed with my own MTQ. but as i stepped my foot in iiu, i could see another whole different team hoping with every hope to do their best, never giving up when they had a loss with surprisingly a margin of ridiculous number 11... n they were Amira, Raihan, Arifuddin and Tasnim as a team. i wondered at that time to myself, where has gone the inferior lack-of-fluency Arifuddin before? it was as if no one could stop them from having one step closer towards the iiu trophy.
After iiu ended, none of us actually got hold of the iiu trophy. but we gained more than that, we gained a family. we had to sit for our mid term exams, but i could still hear them talking about the greatness they all felt in iiu. i could still hear how Arifuddin depicture the team going against Kisas, and other schools. And the best part, i could no longer see the old Arifuddin. The one who thinks he cant do it, the one who thinks he cant talk fluently, or the one who thinks he is just some 4th speaker and not part of the team. The old one had become a shadow, and now the new one has the stage shining upon him.
It was still a loss for me, that i didnt get to repeat the glory with my brother Arifuddin for the next upcoming iiu. instead, i promised him to beat his school whenever i get the chance to do so. Everyone in the team wishes u all the best, but never did we forget to ask u not to forget us. as for me, i could never looked at 4 ibs the same way i looked at it when this little brother is still there. the nagging k.wani would always call for Arifuddin and Azizul to tell them the recent news of debate, the sarcasm that we all feel as debaters in the school, or simply to inform them the next debate meeting we are going to do. Thank you for being there to be nagged Arifuddin =). most of all, Thank you for being there for this very sister of you.
Now, when i have finally let go of the grief, and accept the reality of losing a family, i could now laugh and say that we have more something in common than we have ever thought. Once upon a time we cant talk fluently, we have the same inferior feeling, and we used to stand in side by side as the 3rd Speakers of SMKA Maahad Hamidiah. Im proud to say to ur new school, that i have seen this kid growiing up more than the new school could ever see. Im proud to say that we grew up, learn the world, and see the outcome together. and that not the longest distance could ever part him from being there with us. Because He Is a Part of Us.....
What's The Greatest Thing thats Ever Happened to Me?
A Family.
Monday, February 15
Reasons why school debating is fun
This is just something to cheer everyone up. Hope you enjoy and get back that debating spirit of yours. (And I dont mean that you never had a spirit or else you'll be dead. LOL)
No exaggeration, No lies, just plain truth.
Caution : May induce constant forehead-slapping.
THW allow the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports.
Govt : “This debate is about whether or not we would allow athletes to take aspirin the night before a tournament to cure headache.” (headache only? fever?? period pain?? genital herpes?!)
THW ban zoos.
Govt : “We should ban zoos because humans think. Animals don’t!” (and…..?)
Govt : “We would only ban BAD zoos.” (What makes a zoo bad? The price? The smell? The cage? Too many monkeys?? WHAT….?)
THW include the 3rd-world countries in the fight against Global Warming.
Opp : “We want to preserve Global Warming!” (We do??”)
THW allow the use of torture on terrorists.
Opp: “Why would you want to torture terrorists? Do you want them to go crazy?”
Govt : “How can you say that all the crazy people are terrorists? Have you SEEN any crazy terrorists?” (This is exactly the point where ADJUDICATORS go crazy.)
Opp : “We would not torture terrorists, but we would put them in counselling and advise them. Also, we would show them the pictures of their families, and ask if they really love them….” (Hmmm…Terrorist Anonymous….very original, indeed!)
Govt : “We would use the truth serum on terrorists. What exactly is the truth serum? It is a substance that will make the terrorists subconsciously confess.” (Oh, we usually call it booze.)
THW abolish all race-based affirmative action in Malaysia.
Opp : “There is very limited rights to be given out. If we give the rights to the Indians, what about the Malays?” (Basic economic principle, guys)
Opp : “When your parents fall in love, they get married and go on a honeymoon. There, they will have sex. In the process, the sperms will race to get the ovum. But only one sperm will succeed, which is the strongest sperm. So it deserves the ovum.”
(Translation : Only certain groups of society are entitled to affirmative action… Thanks for the details, though!)
Opp : “The Chinese and the Tamil must understand the priviliges that the Malays enjoy.” (uhh…Tamil is a LANGUAGE, Aerie…Opps, no names, my bad!)
…Randomest TM Statements…
Govt : “The Government of Malaysia is stupid.”
Opp : “How can you say the Government is stupid? You ARE the Government!!” (Yeah, like DUH!)
Govt : “Nothing in the world is free. You even have to pay 20 cents to pee..” (The most logical analogy…and hey, it rhymes too..)
Qayser : POI!
Opp : Sit down, sir. I know you’re good looking.
Aerie : POI!
Opp : You too, sir. I know you’re good looking, too.
Fareez Shah : POI!
Opp : Please sit down.
Fareez Shah : Mr speaker, let me state how disappointed i am that the opposition failed to recognize the other good looking man in this room.
Opp : “We as the opposition today will ACTUALLY oppose the motion.” (REALLY…??)
Opp : POI!
Govt : Sit down.
Opp : Shame!
Govt : Shame on you too cuz you are like a child who’s mumbling through his POI! (oooh…personal)
National Novice Debating Championships 2009
`We would allow abortion for babies who are conjoined.’
P.O.I: For which trimester?
P.O.I : Is there a time limit for when the mom is
allowed to abort?
`Of course. Two years!’
(Well I guess as long as it doesn’t eat solid food, it’s still a fetus??)
`If a dwarf mom has a baby, we will kill it.’
(Dwarf?? Kill?? Wow…political correctness is indeed a skill.)
`How can you say you want to abort deformed fetuses? Look
at Karpal Singh! He’s deformed and he’s in Parliament!’
(Ugh, firstly he’s handicapped not deformed. And secondly,
it’s a bit too late to abort him now, innit?)
`Deformed babies will cause bleeding to their mothers’ womb.
It’s true…’
`We want to include parents inside the children.’
`The govt says they want to use cow dung as fertilizer. But
how are we going to do it? Who’s going to pick up the cow
dung? No one even wants to touch it!’
(Wow… talk about feasibility! )
`Chris Brown is not a violent man. You can tell from his
songs like when he says : With you i dont need money, i dont
need car, Girl you’re my all! See?’
(The logic of the MTV generation.)
`It’s normal for couples to fight like Katy Perry says, we
fight we break up,we kiss we make up.’
(Yes Katy Perry is indeed the love guru.)
It (reality tv) is real enough to make us cry when they cry, laugh when they laugh, heartbroken when they’re heartbroken.
Guys it’s real”
`In Joe Millionaire, the couple had a perfect date and kissed under the full moon. How can that NOT be fake?’
(Someone’s a cynic!)
`Britney is not even talented. She can’t sing and dance at the same time!’
And the rest (including some classic ones from the previous tourney.)
`We believe that the end meets the meet!’
`Why make the UN do it? Why not PBB?’
Govt : The Sultans don’t need our money! They are rich by birth!
Opp : Where do they get this money? From a treasure hunt?
Monday, February 8
The Leaders' everyday use point
If you pay attention closely in any debate, it's like as if your rewinding the same arguments over and over again, just in different words or something synonym with the base word.
So why is it like that? well to make things simple for you actually in this world there is only one sure road to solving everything. For We Muslims our solution would only be words from Allah (the Qur'an and the Sunnah), while other people would use a simple everyday phrase that could win any debate: Logics.
Ever heard the phrase:
"What's so many people think that Islam is an illogical religion is because it is build on the basis of logics"
But that's not what we will be discussing in this post, rather I will be telling the very frequent points you could use in any debate, no matter how dumb or how high class they are, because to put in a nutshell you always use it weather you realize it or not. (Ok, so maybe there are some debates you can't use this, but the majority stays with these 4 points)
For Peacemakers/First Speakers the simple point you could use in any debate is the point under the keyword : Objective.
Objective, Mission, Vision, Goal, Significance call it anything you want, the reality is that (great) first speakers use this phrase (or something synonym with it) in their substantive arguments.
And here's the backlash:
If you don't give a point like this such, then your not doing your role as a first speaker i.e to introduce your side of the debate. Because points like this introduce your case without much talk.
Why in the world would you as a first speaker (FYI your role is to introduce your case) and then you go on and jump into an "extension type point" (I'll tell this later on) and somehow tell a whole different point then your main case. (No wonder the judges are always laughing, LOL)
But don't get confused, this is not just the only argument a first speaker could give out. You can use more than one point, this is even encourage or maybe even a win loose situation if you don't give out this other second point: Significance.
Ok maybe I just repeated that, but just to explain that when you give out a point like "Objective" then this the introduction of your side of the motion (How you look at the motion), whilst the point about the "Significance" is more towards you burden of proof (How you are going to win the motion). Don't get it? Ok so here's a simple example:
"THBT academic qualification ensures success in life"
A simple stand alone motion. Now firstly about the " Objective" point. When introducing the motion, both Government and Opposition first speakers can give this point, but in a different way.
Our PM might say that the "objective" of an academic qualification is so that the students can learn first, learn as much as they want, then test them on the theoretical knowledge so it could become practical. The higher the theoretical knowledge of someone shows that he will eventually know how to do it practically. That's the government side of "Objective"
Now the OL will also say something about "objective", but in a different perspective. First and for most, the OL will surely say that the PM's "objective" isn't actually plausible or is just not happening. and in some way that"s their point about "objective". They say that if this is the objective of academic qualification, then that's just not happening simply because it's only theoretical and not practical, as many people learn they just can't practice it because they are stuck with a book on their heads (Ouch).
Lets try something else:
"THBT Donald Duck should put on a pair of pants"
Now the key is to be creative, you've gotta think outside the box. So the objective or in a better keyword "the reason" of the designers didn't put a pair of trousers for Donald Duck is so he could be "famous" (or in other words, if your not wearing a pair of pants people will think back of Donald Duck). So if you were the PM then you would say that the reason you want Donald to put on some pants is because he would be famous, like mickey (FYI he's wearing pants).
And if you were the OL then you would say that Donald's already famous in his own character (have you never seen Donald having his own TV show or base on him?).
So eventually that becomes the basis of the your arguments and most important: the Debate.
Now I'm really sorry because about the significance point I'm not able to post it right now as it goes under the "burden of proof" topic, which I'll post as soon as possible.
Saturday, February 6
I'm back
smelled the fresh air.....
and I saw what needed to be done.
We have a job, an obligation to ourselves
To never quit
nor to turn back
nor to give up.
Because it's either we give up, or we keep on fighting.
And if we fight
What is there to loose????
When somebody like me has just lost everything before
yet wont loose it again
Sunday, January 10
Realizing That you are INCREDIBLE
That's this blog's motto (FYI)
So my story is like this:
I went to a month of activity only to come back looking at my juniors very differrent...
What do I mean different, well one thing I feel older not to mention i'm not im not schooling anymore, secondly it's as if last years event has been forgotten, giving everyone a new spirit, a new determination.
I came with an air of shock in everyones face, especially wani's (gotcha!). everyone looked at me like: hey where did this dude came from? it wasnt any surprise, I already told Kimi I was coming. And to make things worse, there was a test. LOL
So heres my comment on your test generally: IT WAS INCREDIBLE!!!!!
ok maybe that last part (The tic tac toe and relations one) all of you are still having a hard time grasping the concept of probability an assumption but fantastically Im impress with it.
So what do I mean you know you are incredible?
Well I read some of your answers and I found some intriguing answers:
What is the reason you enter debate this year?
- I want to be better than K.Wani and Fakhry
- I want to be able to think logic and critical
- nak dapat markah koku (guess who wrote this)
These types of answers excluding the last one, shows that you have a vision with perimeters. When I mean Incredible, I mean it. the words "you know" simply states that in reality we are incredible, whether we are able to do small things like write long essays or read in a very fast way ,to the big things like memorizing the Al -Qur'an or Creating great new inventions to realizing the Islamic dream.
All of this is embed in us and so it is our duty to reform it.
Remember, Vision is not synonym with mission. they are two different things. Allah said in the Qur'an that our purpose is to become the Caliph in this world and our goal is to be "Taqwa".
Mission is the Road we are taking, while vision is the destination we are heading towards. Remember that different missions doesnt mean different visions, thats why there are many different people yet thy all could be "Taqwa"
Our job is to realize our purpose, our mission, and our vission. What differentiates us from machines or animals is our ability to believe. Hope, determination and spirit are the few things that makes us different from animals and machines, and in tis case which makes us INCREDIBLE..........................
Friday, January 8
Memoirs of 2009
Musleh Debate 2009, representatives: Wani, Laila, Kimi and Fakhry. got till quarters.
Regular debate training, every evening after shcool, hope you learn something!!!

Our Juniors and hope for 2010's debate: Amira, Azizul, Raihan, Arifuddin. Not in picture: Wani, Kimi, Ulfah, Laila, Tolin, Arif Ikmal, Aishah and Madhihah. May Allah Bless you all.